星期三, 5月 30, 2007
星期六, 5月 12, 2007
單就觀塘兩幅不同時期的規劃大綱圖,就足以道出香港的權力轉移與箇中城市景觀的關係。一九九零年,土地發展公司《觀塘市中心重建計劃》的規劃大綱圖顯 示,除了公園、商廈與住宅,觀塘市中心更建設一座在報告內沒有充分解說的鐘樓。鐘樓,一座帶有強烈殖民秩序(Colonial Order)的空間形式,其對觀塘的意義,在於向周遭宣示一種工業生產的時間(Production Time),用以改造當時仍然為數不少、來自五湖四海的觀塘工人,統一他們的時間觀,使他們習慣活在工業的生產線上的同時,亦企圖在這個五十年代的市鎮再 度宣示殖民管治的權力。
今天已經商業化的觀塘顯然不再需要鐘樓,取而代之,觀塘需要就如APM那些失去時間的奇觀(Spectacle),讓人在迷糊的商業消費時間 (Consumption Time)中進行商品的祟派。市區重建局近期公佈的重建計劃,更帶有一種中國秩序 (Chinese Order)的暗喻,什麼「地標式鵝蛋型建設」「圓拱型玻璃頂」與「流水式梯田公園」,就似是一些申請加入祟尚建設巨蛋及中式建築的新中國城市的基本前 提。這些新空間結構的想像,彷彿隱含著回歸後香港那種新政治秩序與社會關係建立的意圖。
景觀作為共創體 (landscape as work)
是否這樣的政治現實,就代表平民大眾就不能選擇城市的模樣,需要拒絕這樣多餘的希冀﹖近日訪港的文化地理學者 Don Mitchell (2000)卻有另一番理解。他將法國哲學家Henri Lefebvre 對城市本質作為共創體(City as Work)的理念,演繹出其實景觀也需作為一種共創體 (Landscape as Work),意即無論在物質或符號的意義上,景觀都是由人民共同創建的。
故此,城市景觀必然是一樣公共之物(Public),市民不僅是它的擁有者與使用者,他們更有城市的權利(Right to the City)去改變它,成為城市景觀的改造者 (Mitchell, c2003)。所以景觀之意義並不在乎供路人欣賞的客體,亦不僅在於公眾使用的權利,同時在於記錄由某地方某群眾共同參與建構與改造社會關係的主體。從這樣的視野察看城市景觀,彷彿為香港城市的陰暗面帶來了希望之光。
觀塘的確有不少小規模的創造空間(Created Space),某程度上可算是共創體的體現。街邊的出牆鋪、樓梯鋪、唐樓內的伊斯蘭學校、為貧苦租客而建的板間房、天台屋等,都是由觀塘社區自行創造的空 間。然而,這些「自創空間」與以上所說的「共創空間」,似乎還有一段距離。加上政府利用各種形式的勸誘---那些自說自話的民意調查與公眾諮詢,並由一群 專業團體和學術機構護航---令城市景觀由市民定義的想法更愈趨遙遠。市建局重建觀塘的方式,真的能稱為它所言是「社區的選擇」﹖
Don Mitchell. (2000). Cultural geography: a critical introduction. Oxford; Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers
Don Mitchell. (c2003). The right to the city : social justice and the fight for public space. New York: Guilford Press
【見載信報 5月15日 文化保育平台】
星期四, 5月 10, 2007
研討會的對話被一位馬來西亞規劃師展覽在他自己的Blog裡,包括家庭狀況與學術態度。而"Kim Cheng"這個小子改名換姓後就輕鬆獲得「熱情社會行動者」的美譽。謝。
Students. What is a conference without students, whether they are helping in putting the papers into proceeding, clicking the powerpoints, showing us the way or presenting papers. Or just sitting down and telling us about their lives. Tammy is a passionate social activist, very concerned about the welfare of the disadvantaged and underprivileged. Kim Cheng is the same. They are not satisfied with just going out to work in the business world, discarding their hard-earned knowledge in geography. And they taught me about critical geography. Never heard of it? It's a branch of geography very much concerned with social justice. Using geography to study inequality and to advance their social agenda. These students also make the rounds of academic conferences, both university-funded as well as paying their own way, preferring the more serious ones to those which are merely excuses for professors to meet old friends.
(stopped at 9 am this morning. continuing at HK Airport via free WireFi at 1.30 pm) Wonder why these youngsters are passionate about social justice? Some of them have personal stories to tell. One student for instance has a Malaysian mother who's father was detained during the communist insurgency in Malaysia (but he was not harshly treated). On the paternal side, his other grandfather (who was a scholar) was a victim of the Cultural Revolution in China.
Know how much a fresh graduate working in the business world makes in Hong Kong? About 10,000 HKD. Looks like a lot but everything in Hong Kong is more expensive. And many young people choose a 'lavious' lifestyle, going to fancy coffeeshops and discos. With that kind of salary they will still not be able to afford an apartment, unless they find a partner to share. I think it was another student, Puyin [ACTUALLY THAT'S MY WORD), who told me that Hong Kong people would like to own cars and to drive, if they can afford it. Perhaps there is a lesson for transport planners too - make it too expensive to drive. Most Hong Kong students would be focussed on getting a degree and then find a job - but of course there are the exceptions like Tammy, Kim Cheng, Puyin and others.
星期二, 5月 08, 2007
在研討會的lecture hall以外的茶水部、晚飯桌與廣州的街道上,Don Mitchell帶來了另外三個故事。我對他宣傳我們一個類似ICGG的組織HKCGG,一起取笑了一名不知道Don Mitchell是一名運動型學者而在會上公然宣稱他是一位theorist 與是他的朋友的某某。晚飯桌,我們約定了Don坐在附近,他肯定了空間故事的切入,也鼓勵我們隨時加入人民地理(people's geographies)的行列。他亦幫我澄清了庶民研究(sub-altern studies)、人民地理、勞工地理(labor geographies)與工人地理(working-class geographies)之間的微妙分野。在考察團的午飯,我們同台完成了已被廣東化的川菜,大部分學者感覺良好,Don Mitchell在消化的旅途上對我說:"I'll join any conference and trip that is organized by Wing Shing."希望他會再來香港。
在研討會的lecture hall以外的茶水部、晚飯桌與廣州的街道上以外,Don Mitchell 是Syracuse University地理系的頭目。他抗拒政府與資本不同形式的暴力與訓令同時訓令自己的生活,以使他的生命能更有效地朝城市權利的追求去發揮。他將整個 Department八至九成的教授與半數的學生都激進化(radicalize)、或進化,集結力量對現今社會作出嚴厲的批判。
星期二, 5月 01, 2007
城市的空間不單是由與政府共謀的規劃師, 建築師, 地理學者, 地產商整個統治的體系所建設的, 縱使龐大與不可逆, 我們亦可以發現人民建構城市, 空間, 地方, 身份的力量與創意, 亦是城市處處可見的現實。同時,在一個以西方學術架構局限下的知識,亞洲許多地方由人民以生命實踐而創造的空間(people's space),往往未有給予充分的重視與表現,引致許多具參考性、前瞻性及地區性的空間創造及城市抗爭, 都在學術架構與現實環境中被忽視。
就此,香港浸會大學將舉辦一連三天(五月三日至五月五日)的研討會,假林護國際中心舉行,雲集香港, 日本, 台灣, 斯里蘭卡, 印度, 巴基斯坦, 泰國, 馬來西亞, 印尼, 中國, 以色列, 美國各地學者共同針對亞洲城市不同語境下的民間實踐,希望藉此強調出 市民空間與亞洲的實踐與知識之重要。
以下是研討會的精選 :
五月三日 May 3
Syracuse University的文化地理學者Don Mitchell 9:40-10:45 (WLB 204)
關鍵詞: 城市權利, 公共空間, 西方
Paranoia, Pretexts, and Public Space: Rethinking the Right to the City
Don Mitchell, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA
斯里蘭卡學者Jagath Munasinghe 2:15-3:45 (WLB 306)
關鍵詞: 市民自治, 小鎮規劃, 斯里蘭卡
Self-Organization and Planning: The Case of Small Towns in Sri Lanka
Jagath Munasinghe, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
五月四日 May 4
港大與科大的司徒薇, 陳允中 8:15-10:30 (WLB 306)
關鍵詞: 社區網絡, 舊區保育, 香港, 城市抗爭
Preserving Social Networks or Business Networks?
Rethinking a Preservation Movement in the Old District of Hong Kong
Chen, Yun-Chung, HK University of Science and Technology
Szeto, May Mirana, Dept of Comparative Literature, University of Hong Kong
香港浸會大學社會學系 梁漢柱博士 11:00-12:30 (WLB 306)
關鍵詞: 群體建構, 香港
Constructing 'Community' in Hong Kong:
The Story of a Neighborhood Association and its Community-Based Development Projects
Leung Hon-Chu, Hong Kong Baptist University
香港浸會大學地理學系 Nihal Perera 11:00-12:30 (WLB 306)
關鍵詞: 亞洲規劃, 城市主義, 庶民研究
New Directions in Asian Urbanism and Planning
Nihal Perera, Ball State University, Muncie, IN, USA
華中師範大學地理系孫哲博士 4:00-5:30 (WLB 306)
關鍵詞: 中國, 地方, 身份, 公民, 中產階級, 上海內城區
Place, Citizens, Identity: The Establishment of Identity in a Middle-Class Gated-Community in Inner City Shanghai
Sun Zhe, East China Normal University
發展中的抗爭: 下層的聲音 6:00-7:30 (WLB 306)
關鍵詞: 灣仔利東街, 荃灣重建, 行動組織, 城市抗爭, 基層聲音
Development and Resistance in Hong Kong: Voices from Below
1. H15 Redevelopment
2. Tsuen Wan Redevelopment
五月五日 May 5
香港浸會大學地理學系鄧永成博士 9:15-11:30 (WLB 306)
關鍵詞: 中國規劃, 城市公義, 廣州, 城市化, 中國農民, 土地權利
Justice and Innovation: Land Rights Negotiation by Peasants on the Fringes of Guangzhou
Li Lixun, Sun Yat Sen University, Guangzhou, China
Wing Shing Tang, Hong Kong Baptist University
Anne Haila, University of Helsinki
一群大阪城市大學的地理學者 9:15-11:30 (WLB 306)
關鍵詞: 公共空間, 木屋, 日本, 生活空間
The Struggle Against Loss of Living Space: Squatter Resident Practices and Local Politics in Postwar Japan
Takuya Motooka, Toshio Mizuuchi, Urban Research Plaza, Dept. of Geography, Osaka City University, Japan
以色列地理及環境學系Oren Yiftachel 3:00-5:00 (WLB 306)
關鍵詞: 亞洲城市, 社會公義, 政治地理
Transforming Asian City: Lessons and Reflections
Oren Yiftachel, Ben Gurion University, Isreal